"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, January 26, 2009

Consumer Report!

Hey. Michael here. Four years ago, as we inspected this home before purchasing it, we neglected to check one thing... how loud the garage door opener was. Now, many of you have probably never given any thought to the noise your opener makes. Sure, there may be a squeak here and a whine there, but for the most part you push the button and forget about it. Not so at Chez Levang. No, here, when you push that garage door button, YOU RUN! I'll let the video clip speak for itself.

I finally broke down and installed a new opener this weekend. I have caught myself watching the door open and close all the way just listening to the wonderful absence of noise.


Anonymous said...

Yeah!! A new garage door opener, I have to admit, the old one scared me!Beppe

Anonymous said...

Michael, you are a hoot!! Yes, it was loud - happy that you are enjoying a new one! PS, be sure to open the door BEFORE backing up :) Love you, Mom