"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, December 13, 2008

A Welcome Warm Up

We've been having some pretty cold temps lately which have left us all feeling a bit house bound. Thankfully, today brought some much more pleasant weather and so although we had a busy day and evening hosting our annual Christmas Dinner at church (a fund raiser for our youth group), we did manage to squeeze in some outdoor fun late this morning in between some of the dinner preparations. First, T and M built this stylin' snowman.You might notice that this is no ordinary snowman but rather one that has a star flag painted on his lowest tummy as well as a complete drum set in front of him so that he is prepared to jam out with T.

Following the building of the snowman, some snow removal was next on the agenda. T was quick to supervise and quite curious with the whole procedure until.......he fell victim to the shovel-fulls of snow that were descending from above.

All the while, Z sat patiently by, looking as cute as ever.She was eager to share some smiles with me as she observed all that was occurring around her, staying cozy and warm in her fleece suit, Bundle Me and super stylin' hat (another cute hand me down courtesy of G1).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Could that smile be any cuter and easy to come by...... What a sweetie. So sorry we had to miss the day - but today confirms we made the correct decision - everything in FF is cancelled. G & G L.