"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Keeping Watch O'er Their Flock

This morning brought to our worship service one of my favorite events of the Christmas season - the Sunday School Christmas Program. Not only is it precious to watch the youngest of the church proclaim the story of Jesus, but it also is inevitably good for a few giggles. On both accounts, today's performance did not disappoint.In this year's pageant, all of the boys in T's class were cast as sheep while all the girls were little angels. I happen to be one of T's teachers this year so in addition to shepherding my own little lamb, I was also supposed to be helping 7 other little ones follow the herd. The kids did beautifully, all things considered. We did "assist" them in sitting still up front by feeding them goldfish crackers. But hey, the real sheep were likely grazing when the heavenly host came along and told them the Good News so in actuality, we weren't using food for crowd control. No, we were just being accurate in our storytelling.
There were a few moments of comic relief mixed in, too. We had one little sheep who decided he would rather face baby Jesus than the audience and thus stood with his backside to the crowd for much of the program. And then there was another little sheep who wandered from the fold and knocked Herod's throne off the stage. T was neither of these (although he certainly could have been). All in all, though, it was a great morning. The kids sang their hearts out and the story of Jesus shone through - loud and clear! I was proud of all my little lambs - especially this one!


Anonymous said...

T you make the cutest little sheep ever!!! So proud of you for singing about Jesus this morning in church. Wish we could have seen it. Love you, Pake and Beppe

Anonymous said...

T, you are one cute sheep. Great story, Stacy. Thanks! G & G L.

Rob and Carrie said...

Such fun pictures! Sounds like you are having a great time with Christmas activities.

The Cranium House said...

Looks like you did a great job, T! Hope we get to see a video of your performance at Pake and Beppe's.