"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, November 09, 2008

A "Z's Sunday Best" Wardrobe Malfunction

Please note: The following blog contains some content that is a bit graphic in nature. I apologize in advance to those readers who are a bit turned off by, ahem, potty talk.

Let me just be frank. Our little Z is an explosive pooper. She does not shy away from defying the boundaries of her diaper at least once a day. Typically, her blowouts occur with the first feeding of the day, thus leaving her PJ's as the innocent victims. However, for some reason, this morning Z felt the need to stray a bit from her routine and surprised me with a mid-feeding explosion while I was nursing her at church. And just like that - Z's first Sunday Best outfit was officially out of commission. Usually prepared, I thankfully had an extra outfit in my bag. However, upon our return home, whilst changing another diaper, Z let loose again and this time, well, ahem, "tinkled" all over outfit #2. All this to say, we have had some major wardrobe malfunctions today (did I mention my skirt was also a victim of trauma #1) and as such, have enlisted a stand-in for today's edition of "Z's Sunday Best".

Drumroll please.

"Ladies and Gentleman, Boys and Girls, Faithful Blog Readers,

for the first time ever,

I proudly present to you,

the one,

the only,

T's Sunday Best!!!!!!!"

I know he's no chubby little girl all dressed in pink with a bow in his hair and shiny little shoes adorning his feet, but in my opinion, he's still pretty stinking cute!

And for those of you who just NEED to know what Z wore to church today (you know who you are) or for those who are just dying to know which outfits fell prey to the wrath of Z's bodily functions, click back into the archives to view Thing 1 and Thing 2 (both of today's outfits were repeats).

Forever scrubbing out poo,


Candis Berge said...

Okay, just WHEN did he get so grown up?

Very cute.

Anonymous said...

What a handsome young man - he looks like a teenager!! Love you guys - Maybe see you next weekend???? G & G L.

Vic said...

That is one of your best blog entries yet, Stacy! I can't believe how big T looks. and...yes, he is quite the handsome young man. ML

Sara said...

Nicely done, T! You look marvelous.

Good luck with the poo, Stacy. I've actually had a 2 day reprieve from scrubbing clothes myself - I hope I didn't jinx it.

Henrik and Carrie said...

Love T's new haircut - he does look grown up!

Also, I got a good laugh out of your closing line!