"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Our Song

A couple of months ago, the worship arts director at our church introduced a song to our congregation entitled, "Mighty To Save." I had heard the song on our local Christian radio station before but it did not really take root in my heart until we started singing it at church. It became a quick favorite for me, which T picked up on - probably because, in the beginning, I would announce, "I love this song" each time I would hear it. What has become especially endearing to me now about this song is not just its message, but also the title which T has given it. It's our song. You see, we frequently listen to music while we go about our day, either while playing at home or driving in the car, and each time "Mighty To Save" comes on the radio or if we happen to sing it during worship at church, T very enthusiastically declares, "Mama! It's our song!" I'm not sure what has caused him to make this "our song" but I guess I don't really need to know. What I do know is that I love that he seeks me out, even now, months after our initial exposure, to tell me that our song is playing. He frequently will sing along with me, enjoying our own little praise time while eating at the kitchen table or cruising around in the minivan. T even requests that I sing our song so that he can drum to it on his drum set in his bedroom.

Today, while driving home from church, "Mighty To Save" came on the radio and T emphatically shouted, "Mama! It's OUR SONG!" Shortly after, Michael suggested that I blog about our song. Why? Well, because as difficult as it may be to believe right now in this moment, someday my T will be all grown up. And I suppose he'll probably meet a girl (the one I pray for even now) who will steal his heart. And then, oh boy, hold on to your horses, I suppose he'll ask this special girl to marry him. And then, at their wedding reception, they'll dance to their song. I know this whole scenario is years away but I also am told often how quickly these precious years fly by. So, right now, I'm going to relish in the fact that I am the one who shares a song with my precious T. And I will thoroughly enjoy each time I hear these words, "Mama, it's our song!"

Oh, and if you'd like, take a moment and click here to take a listen to our song.


Henrik and Carrie said...

tears . . .

thanks for sharing your story and the reminder it is to me of just how fast these years are flying by.


Becky said...

Ok, I'm crying now!

Suzie Egge said...

Thanks for sharing that Stacy!!

Anonymous said...