"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back In The Saddle Again

Well, it's official. I survived my first "week" back at work. I realize it's only Thursday but this year, in my world, a work week (outside our home, that is) consists of Tuesdays and Wednesdays. It definitely takes a bit more strategic planning, along with an earlier wake up call for me, to get two kids out the door by 7:45. On Day 1, I was 10 minutes late (not too shabby) and on Day 2, we managed to shave 5 minutes off of our departure time and I arrived to school just a few minutes past 8:00. It was bitter-sweet returning to a job that, for the most part, I truly enjoy. I'll be honest. There were a few tears (on my part) after dropping off T and Z at Miss Tricia's but so many people played a part in making my first couple of days back a success that I really could not have hoped for anything better. Obviously, the fact that I can bring my kids to the home of a dear friend while I am at school is a huge blessing....so THANK YOU, Miss Tricia! My tears were not because I doubted that my children were well-cared for, but rather that I simply was going to miss them! Then, upon arriving at school, I found this greeting from my students waiting for me in my office/teaching space:The speech-language pathologist who covered my maternity leave also had my students make this for me:It's such a cute book filled with lots of fun ideas and suggestions. I read it to T when I got home that first night and he LOVED it! He asked me to read it 5 times!

My super supportive Michael hand-delivered these to my school my first day back (winning over every female staff person in my school):My coworkers, principal, special education supervisor and students all welcomed me back with hugs, smiles and encouraging words.

And then, to top it all off, I got to pick up these two little snuggle bugs at the end of the day.If working outside of the home is what God has for me right now, then I could not ask for a better situation. I get 5 full days at home with T and Z. I spend 2 days working to improve the lives of some other precious kids and using a different set of skills that I have been given. I have the BEST childcare gig that anyone could ever hope for and I have a husband and coworkers who are super supportive and encouraging. So, there you have it! I'm back. Giddy up!


Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

That makes my eyes water. ;o)

Sara said...

Happy Trails to you, Stacy! It's good to have supportive people around and it appears you've got a great entourage cheering you on.

Rob and Carrie said...

So nice to know you are loved! You are definitely a "pritty" and cool lady-just like the kids said.