"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Well-Check Wednesday

It was double duty at the doctor's office this morning for us. Both T and Z had well-check visits scheduled with our friend, Dr. Mary. T went first and was a trooper. He had his hearing and vision screened for the first time (other than his hearing test at birth) and thought both "games" were fun. His vision is 10/10 in both eyes (would you believe that two of the shapes he had to name on the eye chart were a star and a flag) and he passed his hearing screen with flying colors. He thought it was great fun to give me a high-five each time he heard a beep in his ear. T continues to top the charts (which was no great surprise to me as he is often mistaken for a 4-year-old). His 3-year stats were as follows:

Height: 40 3/4 inches - placing him in the 97th percentile
Weight: 39 pounds - placing him in the 95th percentile

T has come a long way in his overall attitude toward doctor visits. No longer does he cry and scream. As a matter of fact, he was very well behaved today, chatting with the doctor and even asking her questions about some of her tools. Aside from his incessant question of, "Are we all done?" while Z was having her check up (he was way excited to play with the amazing "bead table" in the waiting room at the clinic), I could not have asked for a better experience for him. He didn't even have to get a shot this visit. I opted for the "flu mist" up his nose rather than the prick in his arm which proved to be a grand choice (I, on the other hand, got a big old needle in my arm). Good job, T!

Z also did a super job. Her only tears came at the end when she received three pokes in her chubby little thighs and I can't much blame her for crying about that. It seems M and I breed big kids because our "little Z" was off the charts for both her height and weight. Here are her stats:

Height: 24 3/4 inches - >97th percentile
Weight: 14 pounds, 10 ounces - >97th percentile
Head Circumference: 40 1/4 centimeters - 85th percentile

I compared her numbers to T's 2-month ones and as it turns out, Z has her brother beat (albeit ever so slightly) in all three categories. She weighs 2 more ounces than he did and is 1/2 inch longer than he was at this age. Dr. Mary thought she looked great! All in all, we are VERY thankful to have 2 healthy, happy kids. Let's hope they use their size for good and not evil :)

OH! One more thing. On a fun side note, for two consecutive nights in a row now, Z has slept 8 hours straight! Here's to hoping that this new sleep pattern sticks!

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