"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Of Tricking and Treating

We enjoyed a fun evening of tricking and treating. Well, actually, it was pretty much all treating. Before heading out the door, T and Z posed for a few more pics, this time together.They were remarkably cooperative.Most likely this was because they had one silly Daddy performing some pretty goofy tricks while I tried to capture the moment .Then, T's good buddy E and his parents joined us at our house and we hit the pavement. It was a gorgeous night and the boys made a killing. Their buckets were overflowing after a relatively short jaunt around our block. We ended the evening at Mr. Tom and Miss Tricia's house. Their home has become an annual closing spot for us. Miss T always has fun crafts for the kids, as well as tasty treats for all to enjoy. This year was no exception.A fun evening was had by all!!!


Sara said...

The kids look super cute! Did the adults dress up??? It's so nice to have Halloween on a Friday!

Stacy said...

The adults did NOT dress up. Michael was going to be the Man In The Yellow Hat but after much hunting, I could not find a yellow hat :( Bummer!