"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

And A Couple of Quotes from Big T

Not to be left out, I thought I would share a couple of treasures that came from T's mouth of recent........

T (while playing in the bathtub last night): "Mommy! Check it out! I'm blowing bubbles out of my buns. It's true. There's bubbles coming out of my buns!"

T (while eating lunch and listening to our local Christian radio station): "Mommy, this song is about Jesus!"

Me: "You're right, T. In fact, you know what? All the songs on KTIS are about God or Jesus."

T: "Even Snazzy?" (one of his favorite songs from his favorite "Go Fish" CD).

Me: "Yep. Even Snazzy. And you know what? The band who sings that song has Jesus in their hearts just like us."

T: "They have Jesus in their hearts?!

Me: "Yes they do!"

T (after listing all of the other people he knows who have Jesus in their hearts): "And you know what Mommy? Flags have Jesus in their hearts, too!"

Me: "Well, actually, T. Flags don't really have hearts."

T (with great emotion): "Yes they do Mommy! Flags do have hearts! God made them and they do have hearts. Otherwise where would Jesus live?!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi T! As you said on the phone the other day... "Oh my goodness" that is so sweet. Tell mommy thankyou for sharing that with us... Love you, Beppe