"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Back To School

As some may recall, when T is at Miss Tricia's house, he has the pleasure of participating in a preschool curriculum called Jumping Kangaroos. It's always been fun for us to have him share his projects with us each day when we pick him up. Because I am on leave right now, T is on hiatus from Miss Tricia's and has taken a little vacation from his "preschool". However, we got a fun surprise yesterday when Miss Tricia told us that her curriculum company made an error and sent her more supplies than she had requested. When she let the providers know this, they told her to keep them. SO.....she graciously gave them to us and now we are having our own little "preschool" in the morning while Z is napping. Here's a look at our work today:

We talked about circles and practiced drawing them.We made a circle necklace and had a circle snack.We learned about proper oral hygiene and made a funky little tooth man.And our color of the day was BLUE! T also got to practice his writing, gluing and cutting skills. He enjoyed getting to do his "projects" and I enjoyed helping him! Back to school indeed!

1 comment:

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

I am glad they are getting more use than sitting in my cupboard. Have fun!!!

Miss T