"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

A Spooktacular Evening of Tricking and Treating

Hey people! T here. Just wanted to fill you in on my Halloween Happenings. After a great day at Miss Tricia's house, I was all geared up for a night of fun. As it turned out, I wasn't the only one in our house who was going to be wearing a disguise tonight. My Daddy got all dressed up for the Murder Mystery Party that he organized for the kids in our youth group. Here's what he looked like in his fancy get-up.After Daddy left for his busy night, Mama and I got ready for the evening ahead. First stop, the make-up chair. I sat nice and still for Mama because I thought it was pretty neat when she told me that she was going to color on my face! Here's a close-up of my new look.Once my face was dressed for the part, I put the bottom half of my costume on and played around in it just so I could get a feel for it. Of course, I played with some flags,practiced standing on my head,and also landed some sweet jumps. I was really starting to get my groove on!Now that most of my wiggles were out, it was time for the top half of my costume to join in on the fun. Here's what I looked like with everything put together.I was set! Although, I did have some pretty major paws on my hands that I wasn't too sure what to do with.Mama told me that very soon, other kids in costumes would start coming to our door and they would say, "Trick or Treat." After they said this, it was my job to help Mama put some candy from our big bowl into their bags and buckets. Whoa! This sounded like fun! Mama also said that Cousins E and N were going to come over and then WE would go out and do some of our own tricking and treating. Sweet! So, I waited at the door, ready to greet our first customers.
Sure enough. Kids came! I helped give out the candy. I also put some pieces in MY bucket just for the sake of practice.We had quite a few kids come to the door but I didn't really seem to know any of them. Until, that is, a very friendly firefighter,and a most familiar looking Dalmatian showed up at our door.You guessed it! Cousins E and N arrived on our front steps, looking quite dapper I might add. Right away, E and I sat down and made a game plan for the night.We then appeased our moms and posed for a quick group photo,and finally we were off, eager to fill our treat buckets.One of our first stops was this cool house across the street that has SO MANY pumpkins. We all thought they were impressive. And of course, we also had to make a stop at my friend Miss Ellie's house. She babysits the three of us on Thursdays when our moms and dads have bible study.After another stop or two on my street, we loaded up in the van and drove over to the best Halloween stop this side of the border (the Canadian border, that is). Yep, you guessed it....Mr. Tom and Miss Tricia's house!! We were welcomed in with smiles from Miss T and kisses from Stewie.E and N got a pretty big kick out of Stew and Sam. It was really great to be able to introduce my good pals to my other good pals.Miss Tricia had a fun Halloween project for us to do. She also filled our tummies and our treat buckets with some tasty morsels. My buddy E and his mom and dad joined in on the fun, too. It was an amazing night! The four of us boys reluctantly agreed to a parting photo before we called it quits.I guess you could say we were all a bit pooped out. But it was worth it! Here's to an awesome evening of fun, festivity and friends! Not to mention, firemen, puppies, Pablo penguins and lions. Oh, and of course, orange suckers!


Anonymous said...

Hi T! You are the cutest lion ever, looks like you had a very fun Halloween. I LOVE your drumming video too, have watched it many many times. Miss you. Love Beppe

Noelle said...

What a cute little Lion:)

Vic said...

We loved your story of being a lion. I think you are the cutest one ever! Also, we definitely LOL at your dueling drummers! Vic and Marilyn