"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

A Shout Out To My Pal E!

Hey people! T here.

I realize it's been a few days since you have heard from us. Mama and Daddy just finished up some really long days at work conferencing with parents so blogging has had to take a back seat. But, now they get a few extra days off for all of their hard work so - we're back in blog! For our first entry, I wanted to show you a few photos from my good buddy E's birthday bash. He turned two last week and we had the great privilege of celebrating with him. We kicked off the evening with a tasty pizza dinner. Cousins E and N were also a part of the fun! What more could a kid ask for!After pizza came the cake! E's mom made a super cool race track cake that was covered with my most favorite treat - M & Ms. Sweet! E smiled for his paparazzi.....and then his Daddy helped him blow out his candles. The cake was absolutely DELICIOUS!After cake came presents. I thought E received lots of cool stuff. His Mommy thought so, too!When all of the gifts had been opened, the party moved outside where we got to enjoy E's biggest birthday gift - a HUGE trampoline! All of us kids fit on there just great and we had a crazy time bouncing around.The grown-ups tried to get us to sit still long enough for a group photo. This is the best my Mama got. Handsome looking bunch, don't you think?After a lot of jumping, we ended our evening with a bonfire in the backyard. I was pretty tuckered out (I think E was, too). Thanks for inviting my family to your party, E. Here's to being TWO!

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