"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, October 18, 2007

J is for Jumping

These days, T is TOTALLY into jumping. He jumps while standing in place. He jumps when out for a stroll. He jumps when he's excited or when he welcomes me home from a day at work. And, most recently, he LOVES to jump "up high". To help satisfy his need for air, M has created some pretty exciting, and sometimes elaborate, launching pads. Yesterday, the favorite jumping spot was our bed. However, it was not enough to simply jump on the bed. T wanted to go "up high". So, four pillows and one step stool later, here's what his leaping looked like.
Then, tonight, before everyone arrived for our small group Bible study, T found a hot new hopping spot - catapulting off of our ottoman onto a cushioned landing of large pillows.
That's some sweet air, T!


erinmarie said...

Wow T! Your jumping skills have definately improved since I last saw you! Tell mom she did a great job with the action pics (-:

E AND H said...

Boy T those are some big moves! If it ever quits raining, and before it turns into snow, maybe you can come over and we can work on our jumping together on my trampoline! We will have to work on our tricks and totally impress our parents! :) E

Brent and Jennifer Rogness said...

Looks like T needs a snowboard!
Is there a toddler X-Games?!