"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Rain. Rain. You can stay!

Hey people! T here. So, the craziest thing happened at my house yesterday. It rained. Yep, you read me right. Rain - A strange phenomenon that we have not seen much of this summer. It wasn't just a passing sprinkle shower, either. This was an all-out, full-fledged, rainy day. These showers didn't stop me from playing outside, though. Nope. I just threw on my trusty frog boots and my slick raincoat and off I went in search of puddles. They're always good for a splash. However, because things have been so dry this summer, big puddles were hard to come by. It seems the ground just soaked up this much needed drink. I did manage to find a sizable water hole on the lid of my sandbox, however. Frog 1 and Frog 2 were very pleased and they hopped a little jig.When I needed a break from the water, I took shelter in my newest favorite play place - the car! First I practiced my driving skills.Next I opened and closed the garage door a few times until Mommy told me I was "all done".
And finally, I checked myself out in the rear view mirror. Lookin' good!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi T! I like those froggie boots of yours and I'm glad you got a chance to splash in some puddles with them once again. You are such a cutie. Love, your Beppe