We up-ended T's piggy bank today (literally) as it was full to the brim with change. T had great fun moving the coins from his bank, to his floor and then into a plastic container that we used to transport the goods to the bank. We were all quite excited to see how much all of this loose change added up to.

After depositing the bling into the coin counting machine, the grand total was (may I have a drum roll, please) - $99.77! Not bad for an almost two-year-old's little piggy. T's cashed in dough was promptly deposited into an IRA that we started awhile back for him.....never too early to start your financial planning.
Heard GREAT things about your organizational skills, Michael from Big Al = he really enjoyed spending time with you!! Isn't the Lord good to bring them back into our lives!! Great pictures, Stacy! T is quite the "financial planner"!! love to you - G & G L.
Where can we get a Piggy Bank like this???
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