"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, July 30, 2007

Final Days At The Lake

Hey people! T here. Well, we're home again. Safe and sound - with sand stuck in nooks, crannies and crevices that I never knew existed. To say that we had a great time at the lake is a major understatement. I had so much fun that I am already gearing up for next year. Here's a look at our final days together.The weather was great all week so, of course, we spent a lot of time outside in the water. I had a grand time throwing rocks off of the dock into the lake. My Pake never seemed to tire of collecting stones for me to toss.I also had a lot of fun just splashing and playing in the water. I really enjoyed filling up containers and then pouring them back out to watch the splashes that they made. This water bottle proved to be a trusty toy.Of course, we also spent some more time out in the boat. Here I am riding up front with my Beppe. She held on to me real tight when we went over the big bumps.When the boat slowed down a bit, I kicked back and relaxed in my own chair....all the while sipping on my Energy Drink.Daddy proved to be great entertainment for me while riding in the boat. He could really get some sweet air on that wakeboard. I can't wait until I am big enough to try out this awesome sport.But for now, I was happy to play Peek-A-Boo in the boat with my Dad.It was so great to have my cousins G and G at the lake with me this year. Even though we live far apart, we are becoming fast friends. I sure am going to miss them after they fly home tomorrow.Here's a cute pic of Cousin G. I think it looks a bit like she's posing for her senior photos, don't you?And here's a picture of G and her Mommy. Aren't they a striking pair?On Saturday, we also celebrated my little cousin G's birthday. He's going to turn ONE next week! He really liked his cake - especially the frosting.And although the majority of our week was playtime, I did manage to get a little bit of work in as well. Mowing stones is a tough job.So, there you have it. My lake adventure. It was amazing! Thanks, Pake and Beppe, for making it possible for all of us to get together. I know that I can speak for everyone when I say, "You Rock!" I love you! - T -

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