"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Today's Happenings - By T

T here. Mom said today I was in charge of the blog so I thought I would just share a few of today's happenings with all of you.

If you've checked out my cousin E's blog or my buddy E's blog, then you know we have a cool new park here in town. This morning, Mom and I met Auntie C, along with cousins E and N, at this great place to help stay cool. Today was a real scorcher - 96 degrees! I had a great time splashing in the water, swinging and climbing all around the playground. Mom says I'm getting my old legs back and I'm really starting to motor around again. All I know is I am having fun!
After lunch and a nap, I was super excited to wake up and find out that my daddy was home from work. Work?! Isn't my dad a teacher? Don't teachers take the summer off? Well, not this guy. My daddy's working real hard this summer teaching math to some 7th grade kids. I didn't know kids went to school in the summer. I guess these kids just couldn't get enough of school during the regular year so they decided to take classes in the summer, too! Crazy! Dad's also putting in some extra hours doing some planning for next school year because he says he got a new curriculum. I hope that's a good thing.
Anyway, after my nap, we headed to one of Dad's favorite stores - Sam's Club - to stock up on some goodies for our upcoming road trip. Apparently we're taking a family vacation pretty soon. Dad says we're going to go climb mountains. I'm pretty excited. I've only seen mountains in pictures. I think they might be bigger in real life.
After Sam's, it was time for supper. Dad cooked up some real good burgers and I created a new dipping sauce. It's called munchup. The recipe is real simple. Just take a dabble of mustard, a dibble of ranch and a healthy dollup of ketchup and mix them all together. I found that most anything tastes better with a little munchup.
Finally, after supper, we headed outside for some batting practice. It had cooled down to a comfortable 85 degrees. I'm working on my form. I have my own idea of how it should be done but it's a little different than mom and dad's. T-ball was followed by a bath, a little bit of basketball, a quick peak at the Twins game and then some bedtime stories. That's it. All in all, it was a great day. See you tomorrow!

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