"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Splishin', Splashin', Swingin' & Catchin'

We're enjoying a visit with Grandpa and Grandma L this weekend, which also means we get to spend some quality time with cousins E and N (and Uncle H and Auntie C, too). This afternoon, E (who is a major baseball fan) received a special treat when M brought out his catcher's gear.
E could not have been more thrilled and proudly donned the entire batch of equipment....even though it was a few sizes too big.
When E needed a break from catching, and the heavy uniform that went along with it, he kindly persuaded Grandpa to play catcher instead.
E showed us his batting skills and knocked out quite a few homeruns.
At times, the game got a little heated when some of the calls were questioned....
But in the end, E was all smiles.
While E and Grandpa played baseball, T and N opted to stay cool by playing in the water (it was another warm day here in MN). T was kind enough to give my flowers a drink with water from his little pool,And Little N got a kick out of T's new Wigglin' Water Sprinkler.
We ended the day with dinner out at a fun little 50's diner, followed by a trip to the Grand Ole' Creamery for ice cream and a walk up Summit Avenue. Simply splendid!

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