"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Modern Medicine is Magnificent

When we first found out that T had broken his leg, there were a number of fearful and worrisome thoughts that raced through my mind. First, I envisioned at least 6 weeks of a casted life for T. This fear was quickly dispelled when the doctor told us that we could come back in 3 weeks and likely get the cast removed. Great! A second worry that entered my mind was just exactly how we were going to handle bathtime. To my splendid surprise, the casts of today are quite something. They now have the option of having a Gortex lining.....an option that we gladly chose when we were told that this type of cast is very much able to be submerged in water. And not just for bathtimes either. T could go swimming with his blue leg if he so pleased. Relief!
The first time I put T in the tub with his cast I felt a little uneasy. However, once in the tub, T was back to his old tub-time shenanigans. I have a new found respect for the wonders of modern medicine!

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