"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Take Me Out To The Ball Game

T may be down, but he's certainly not out. Despite his bum leg, T is still up for adventures, so last night we took the train and headed into the city to watch the Twins take on the Boston Red Sox. It was my school's night at the game so we were surrounded by a lot of my coworkers and/or students. We had a great time!

Some extra tickets became available kind of last minute so not only did TR1 and TR2 join us,
but also Uncle H, Aunt C and cousins E and N.

Little N scored his own seat for a bit while some of the group headed to the concession area to round up some Dome dogs and other baseball game treats.

Some of T's favorite highlights from the game included: riding the train, the huge flag hanging from the ceiling of the dome, the "wave" that just kept on going, singing during the 7th inning stretch and of course, clapping and cheering the Twins on to victory.

Even though it was well past his bedtime by the time the game was over, T was still ready and willing to keep watch for our train ride home. Dad's shoulders made for the perfect watch tower. The lights from the city also earned quite a few "Wow"s and "Whoa"s from this little Twins fan. We're pretty sure T enjoyed his evening out because today we heard lots of "Choo Choo"s, accompanied by the pumping of T's arm, and were also entertained by numerous reenactments of the wave.


Rob and Carrie said...

That reminds me of Grandpa D and Vic's wave at the Twins game a long time ago. Remember that!? :)

Anonymous said...

Those lucky TWINS had my favorite people at the game. Love you guys - cute blog. G & G L.

Kari, RN said...

This looks like a great day!

Andrea said...

What a fun night! That big city life just has so much to offer. :)