"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, May 24, 2007


Today was C-Day - - the day we have been anticipating ever since our "Blue Leg Adventure" began a little over 3 weeks ago. At 9:10 this morning, T returned to the orthopedic's office where he first become a cast member. Following another set of XRays (which he again was not too fond of), T was given the wonderful news that his left tibia had healed exactly as it should have and that he indeed could shed his blue leg. Hooray! The removal of the cast was quite adventurous, as those of you who have ever had a small child with a cast on can attest to. T was not at all a fan of the contraption (I can't really blame him), but thankfully, the nurse was skilled and it did not take long for the little saw to work its magic. Here 's how it all went down - as illustrated and narrated by T.......

"Hey people! Have I got a story for you! As you may remember, I used to have this blue thing on my leg.But today, when I went to the doctor, she told me that everything looked great and that I was ready to get rid of my blue leg. Wow! After I got it off, they let me keep it as a souvenier. Sweet!
So see, now, my leg is back to normal. Well, almost. It's a little stiff and my muscles are kind of tight and not quite as strong as they were before all this happened.
In fact, I still stand up on my toes like I did when I had my blue leg on. The doctor told Mom and Dad that this is totally normal and that I'll probably continue to do this for the next several days until I get my strength back and am used to having a plain white leg again.
But please, don't you worry about me.
In a few days, I'll be as good as new. Just look at me! I'm practically a brand new man. I couldn't have made it through this without all of you. Thanks for your support!"


Anonymous said...

Precious story, T - thanks for telling it so well. Congratulations on getting your cast off. You were such a good boy through the entire ordeal. We love you. G & G L.
P.S. All your entries go to GiGi in DesMoines - she's loving it!!

Sara said...

Way to go, T! What a great way to approach the holiday weekend.

Kristina said...

So glad your leg is better!
-A,K,I, and N

Henrik and Carrie said...

Unbelievably darling!!!