"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Merrily Going Round

These days, if M so much as thinks about laying down on his back on the floor, this is what happens.

T marches right on over to him, quickly places his little paws under M's back and proceeds to try with all his might to lift M off of the ground. His efforts are, of course, accompanied by numerous manly grunts .

After he emerges victorious, T then pushes M into an "all fours" stance and proceeds to climb up over M's head onto his shoulders.

Once he has conquered this feat, T then braces himself for the impending adventure.....a whirl of a ride atop Daddy's back, rotation after dizzying rotation.

He LOVES it! (T does, too).


Anonymous said...

I was there to witness that dizzying spectacle. Great entertainment!! Love you lots T! Your Beppe

Anonymous said...

Way to go, T- enjoy the ride. We miss all of you - sure enjoyed the weekend. Thanks again!! G & G L.

Becky said...

I think you should name this whirly fun "the helicopter"!

Stacy said...

A splendid name, indeed!