"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Monday, April 23, 2007

The Best

We have come upon our One Year anniversary of Blogging. Any and All credit for our Blogs goes to my wonderful Wife. Whether it was getting the camera at just the right moment to grab that perfect shot or seeing a creative story out of the 100's of discarded digitals... She has created a wonderful chronicle of our son's life for which I will be forever grateful. Thank you to all our friends and family for your wonderful comments and for keeping track of our lives. With that... we're looking forward to another great year of blogging. What will the future hold? Stay tuned to find out.


Family said...

I sure hope you continue because Vic and I love seeing what's happening at the Levang household. It is so much fun seeing what T is up to and Stacy's creativity adds the spice. Keep it up! Marilyn

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU for this wonderful gift to us - we always look forward to the next blog. Thanks for helping us to enjoy so much MORE of T's life - and yes, Stacy - you are very creative. We LOVE you guys.
G & G L.

Anonymous said...

We enjoy your blog so much, it is a great way to keep up with what you guys are doing and see all the fun things T does. Great job!!!!! Love Pake and Beppe

ps Now if we just get the other two G sisters to start one too.... hint hint A and E!!!!

Anonymous said...

I know what the future holds - FUN and ADVENTURE!! T is a very lucky guy with many great memories waiting to be made. I was telling the "hiking the narrows" story to someone today, and also remembered snow shoeing with both M and S in Maplewood. T is going to have so much fun!