"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Taking Care of Business

T woke up with a nasty cold this morning but even at a young age he has that Midwest work ethic, so he was still able to muster up enough energy to take care of some business.

Today's task - tending to some reports that needed typing.

T is completely enthralled with buttons, so of course the computer is very intriguing. Our laptop is pretty much a hands off item for T but our big old monster of a PC (which sits in our laundry room) provides a place where he can type to his little hearts content.

This morning he found his favorite letter on the keyboard and filled up page after glorious page with it.


Anonymous said...

TOO CUTE - T, you are something else - even taking Blue Dog to work with you. Sorry about the cold - Hope it doesn't ruin plans for our big weekend together.
Love you - G & G L.

Anonymous said...

Hi T! I am waiting for an email from you now that you can "compute" Hope your cold goes away soon.... miss you... Love, Beppe

Stewart the dog and Samsonite the cat said...

Hey that is my favorite letter too. T! I'm sorry you caught a cold at our house. :o( T

Svoblogger said...

T can be a guest blogger on my blog any day!
Zeb will get on our computer and say "i'm working dad!"