"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Shoe Shenanigans

T here.

So the snow is melting here in MN and you know what that means....PUDDLES!! I have found that I genuinely love puddles. Well, actually, I like everything about being outside these days. As such, we've been spending a lot of time in the great outdoors and I just can't seem to get enough of it. Mom says I pitch a fit when it's time to come inside.

Yesterday after school, Dad took me outside to play. There was only one problem. My snow boots were still in the car that mom was driving and she wasn't home from school yet. So, Dad decided to try something "old school".

He wrapped these crazy bags around my feet and then taped them up real tight around my ankles. I didn't know WHAT he was up to but I figured he knew what he was doing. After he put the bags on my feet, he put my tennis shoes on and away we went, splashing and making a ruckus in the puddles.

Unfortunately, the bags couldn't quite keep up with my shenanigans and when Dad finally dragged me back inside, he found out that some of my toes were a little soggy. Well, just one foot, really. The other foot stayed dry. (My pants were pretty wet, too, which is why I am seen pantless in these photos).

Anyway, when Mom came home, she decided that it was time to buy me a pair of goulashes. So, off to Target we went. We found these super cool frog boots and today I tried them out.

They are remarkable! The puddles today were bigger than yesterday and even after all of my splashing, my toes stayed dry. Three cheers for goulashes!!!


Kari, RN said...

What a great post! I love the frogs!

The Normals said...

I prefer the plastic wrap and tape.

Andrea said...

Timothy has the same boots but his never stay dry. I guess when you get older you can make bigger splashes. We had to dump out the water every so often when we were out yesterday. Too bad the warm temps aren't here to stay!

Anonymous said...

I love the plastic bags, seems I remember doing that on a little boy wearing moon boots. Haven't I been teased about "bread bags" a few times - maybe it was a good idea :) Mom