"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Mountain Don’t

For quite some time I have felt that I consume too much pop. In the past, I have tried to limit myself but have always fallen back into old habits. So I have come up with a new plan and making it public is step one. Last week I kept track of how much pop, primarily Mountain Dew, I drank. The picture below shows the amount I would have drank in 12 weeks, 16 to 17 cans per week. Too Much! Last week I consumed a pound of sugar through pop alone.

This brings me to step two: pop consumption cut down. My goal now is to drink less pop than the previous week. This week’s goal is to drink 13 cans. Baby steps.



The Normals said...

Wow. You've got a problem. I'm glad you can admit it. Look me up when you get to step 9.

Anonymous said...

Why don't you switch to diet pop. that's what I do. That way you can drink to your heart's content without the guilt. I already had 2 cans and it's only 11 am. No guilt!

E AND H said...

I'm telling you, diet dew is the way to go. I know it isn't as good as the sweet nectar, but you get used to it and manage to choke it down. It only took me a year. good luck buddy. John

Anonymous said...

As the supporting brother-in-law that I am, I will consume 13 cans of Dew this week as well. That'll be roughly 12 more than usual, but I'll do it to support you. If we started counting Pepsis on the other hand...


Stacy said...

Wow guys, thanks for all the great advice and support. Diet is out of the question. I just can't do it. I'm trying to work myself down to a managable number of cans a week. Maybe 12. well maybe 5. We'll see.


The Normals said...

Last week at Walgreens I saw the Mountain Dew patch. You should try that.

Anonymous said...

I remember sitting in the memorial union trying to fit in with the football and hockey player at UND, and I remember the man they called Cauk. Remember him, the big slightly simple guy. Anyway, he always drank diet coke, but the jocks always teased him that he put sugar in the bottle. Well, maybe you could do that with Diet Mountian Dew. Just add sugar and taper it one day at a time. Soon you will be drinking the sweet nector of Diet Mountain Dew. 13 cans is pretty low. You need to maintain at least a 3 a can per Day. I'm a doctor. I have a masters degree in science.

-Dr. Science

E AND H said...

"If I can change...You can change...We all can change..."

Rocky Balboa

M and B said...

I am selling all my Pepsico shares!

The Normals said...

That speech by Rocky was what really ended the cold war.

Stacy said...

Wow. Thanks for all your great feedback. Dr. Science, your sugar idea in the diet was nice.

And as far as the inspiring speech from Rocky, not only was it responsible for the end of the cold war... it also brought and end to Jerrod being the spokes person for Subway. Thank you Rocky... Thank you.

By the way, two pops tomorrow will meet my week's goal of 13.