"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Thursday, March 01, 2007

March Comes In Like A Lion....

We're experiencing Round 2 of winter storms this week. The white bonanza started last night, took a break during the twilight and early morning hours and then started back up again around 7:30 AM. Unfortunately, the small reprieve resulted in most kids going to school (Michael included). They are dismissing students early so T and I are cozy inside, awaiting M's return.

T and I did venture outside this morning to stock up on a few groceries and then head to his 18-month check up. (We wouldn't have gone out if these two locations weren't so close to our house). T has developed a real distaste for doctors. It is so strange. I had prayed that today would be different. Unfortunately, it was not. T cried during 21 of the 25 minutes that we were in the examining room. The only time his wailing ceased and his tears stopped flowing were when the nurse and/or doctor were not present in the room. I'm not sure who is more traumatized after these appointments, him or me.

Anyway, here are his current stats: Weight - 27 pounds, 12 ounces (75th percentile), Height - 34 1/2 inches (95th percentile) and Head Circumference - 19 inches (60th percentile). He's a BIG boy! In the speech and language domain, he has an estimated expressive vocabulary of about 25 words (if you include animal sounds). The doctor says this is "pretty good" for his age. Granted, some of these words are only understood by those who know him well, but I guess they count nonetheless. His receptive vocabulary seems to be quite large. He surprises us nearly everyday with the things he understands. Last night, after Miss T had shared with us that T could identify nearly all of the Baby Einstein picture cards she has at her house, we decided to put him through a little exam of our own. We were amazed! Even though we hadn't looked at our cards for quite awhile, he successfully pointed to the objects we named nearly 100% of the time. I guess he gets his brains from his mom and his brawn from his dad! We are thankful for our healthy little boy.

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