"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine...to him be glory...for ever and ever!" (Ephesians 3:20-21)

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Dropping Like Flies

This year for Thanksgiving, S felt pretty brave and decided to invite both sides of the family over for a turkey dinner (the first ever to be prepared by S at our current residence). Unfortunately, M's family all came down with a nasty stomach flu earlier in the week which thus resulted in their decision not to travel on Turkey Day. Sadly, the sickness hit AFTER S had already purchased a 17 pound turkey in anticipation of preparing dinner for a dozen. With the onset of the flu and a desire to limit exposure of the nasty illness to T (or anyone else for that matter), dinner for 12 quickly dwindled to dinner for 5. However, the series of unfortunate events did not end there. Rather, at 3:30 am on the eve of Thanksgiving (after S's parents had arrived from Chicago), S woke up with a nasty stomach bug of her own. The illness rendered her helpless and bed-ridden for all of the Thanksgiving day, which in turn resulted in dinner being reduced to a meal for four. Because S was quarantined to her bedroom the entire day, T got a lot of quality time with M, Pake and Beppe.

One of T's favorite activities with Pake was "riding" his motorcycle around and through the kitchen and dining room. Thanks for doing so many laps, Pake.

T also enjoyed reading with Pake and Beppe. Here we caught them relishing in one of T's favorites, the classic, "Chicka Chicka Boom Boom."

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